Professional Practice: Evaluation

Project Evaluation

Image by Ida Frank

There is no doubt that this project taught me so many things about myself, others and the real working world of commissioning and freelance. 

My thoughts; 
  • The feedback that I received at the very end of the project from the client  was very rewarding and almost made all the hard work worth while. There is no greater feeling that creating something for someone and receiving good feedback especially when you know how much effort and work went into creating it. 
What went well;
  • The end result was great, I am very proud of how well edited the video is. I definitely think I have improved within editing as this was a new style that I have never tried before. 
  • I enjoyed being able to work (almost) on my own terms
  • I realised how important it is to view the location before hand and to take notes on what the client wants in order to think about creative strengths and limitations of the project
  • My ability to work well under pressure is somewhat improving

What not so well?:
  • I think the communication between the clients really made this process a very long and difficult one. It is a very difficult thing trying to follow orders from people when they are both saying completely opposite things. I now know that I must be able to step in and stand firmly with my suggestions as it would save a lot of time when a client isn't aware of the limitations of their suggestions. I have definitely learnt the importance of having a balance with what the client wants and what can actually be done. 
  • The shift in time scale that was given to me put me under A LOT of pressure, thus resulting in a hindrance with my other unit. I think in the real world it wouldn't have been so bad because editing would be the only thing that I was doing and therefore the pressure wouldn't be too much. 
That being said, I feel as though I have learnt how to be very patient yet be able to stand my ground professionally. Although I wish I realised things a little earlier, it is better late than never. This wouldn't have been a learning experience if it all went smoothly so I'm very grateful for the rough path that I had through out, I now know what to expect when it comes to the real working world because not everything will run smoothly. My experience really mimicked what it would be like (i feel) so I feel better prepared. From this I now know that Freelance videography is something that I will definitely be looking towards, especially in promotional videos because you get to channel a different type of creativity. In the end I was offered paid work by the client and I am now currently working on new material for them, so I am very grateful for this experience as my confidence within myself and my work has grown immensely. 


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