Fiction Adaptation: Anthony Anaxagorou - For you, Dear Friend

For You, Dear Friend - Anthony Anaxogorou

I decided to go ahead and take a look at the artist's original version of the poem as I wanted to gain a greater understanding on the pace as well as the overall tone of the poem. Although we must interpret it into our own ways I found it very helpful to have a starting point to base my understanding from. 

From this I gathered that he intended the piece to be quite, slow, moving but also having sudden alternating paces through out due to the run on words that is used. It was interesting to see that I interpreted the poem in a similar way to how he has presented it here. Another understanding that I gained from this was (although hinted in the poem) is the person he speaks of is black. If I want to create something that makes sense with the poem then I must include a black woman who represents the "friend". It would seem odd if I strayed away from this as it may not fit. So this is something to take into consideration when looking for actors to play roles for my video.

What's next?

  • Continue to research different ideas and gain inspiration from a variety of sources in order to get ideas for my adaptation
  • Finalise ideas and start thinking about location


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