News Unit: Reviewing and Editing the footage

Reviewing and Editing the footage 

What does the footage consist of?

Since I was the first one to get the footage I thought I would go through and see how compatible it was with the green screen effect. By following a youtube video online, I was able to effectively get rid of the green screen effect and have a seamless edge of Rosie. I chucked in a random background to see what it looked like and thats when I noticed a few things that were off;

Here is the unedited footage

Here is the footage after the green screen was removed.

What do you first notice about the footage?
I first noticed that the white balance was off and Rosie looked much more blue toned once the green screen was removed. It is clear that we did not get the white balance as accurate as possible whilst shooting. However once looking at the footage from some of the promo video, I realised that we had the white balance much better but there were still some shots that were so off;

What is good about footage in general? - good keying out - sound

  • The footage was good for keying out, I was able to get rid of the effect with ease 
  • The sound was good and we had no problems with it, it was clear.

What is bad about footage? - White balance - Presenter is stilted - doesn't fit audience

  • There is a slight green tint on Rosie's shoulder in the footage
  • The presentation is a little bit stilted and robotic
  • Did not feel as though it fit our target audience because it was quite formal 

what could we improve on for next time?

  • Next time we should make sure our presenter has learnt a good majority of the lines. maybe we can use a teleprompter
  • Double check or even triple check the white balance and make sure it is correct.
  • Make sure we have all the right equipment. 

Our next steps

  • We need to think about what is best for the channel, do we still really want green screen?
  • we need to go through the script and make the necessary changes so it doesn't sound so formal. This might mean taking out some of the big words and replacing them with simpler words.
  • continue with the branding graphics


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