News Unit: group idea development

Ideas Development

So after pitching our ideas and receiving feedback from the classmates. My group and I decided to go for both mine and Saskia's idea and combine it both. Since we want to create a brand and package that appeals to 16 to 25+ year olds, we needed to come together and discuss what our next steps will be in order to achieve this. 

We got together and discussed the aim of our channel and what points we wanted to cover. 

Aim: providing discussion about the underbelly of fashion, social media  and celebrity trends. Allowing people to not look at things for 'face value'

Why: There seems to be a growing margin of social media and celebrity pop culture consummation. we think it will be a good idea to tackle the things that people may be unaware of.
Who: For our package about the drag queens and the make up trends that they essentially created we thought It would be a great idea to get hold of local drag queens and hear their opinions on it. This would also allow for good visuals. For my idea about the use of fur products we would use Rochester students and fashion lecturers to get their opinions. 
What:By capturing interviews, visuals and hearing a mixture of facts and opinion it can create discussion. 
Where: We thought it would be best to keep things locally as it is much easier and accessible. everything that we need to make the brand and package can be found locally. I was thinking to get vox pop type interviews from the Rochester campus for the video about the fur. 

My Role: 
I really wanted to look at the web pages and provide examples of various templates that could be used to best illustrate our brand. my group and I sat around and discussed how we wanted the brand to look. We saw lots of templates on wix that gave us a good idea of how we wanted it to look. Even though its recommended to think of the content first then the physical looks of it, we wanted to get an idea of  how we wanted it to look as it shapes the kind of content we would want. For example; There are templates on wix that are very photographic; 

as you can see, this template gives plenty room for images in a simple yet stylish way but this wouldn't necessarily work for us as we wouldn't have much content on there to create an overall look like this. So, we browsed and found other examples that allowed us to broaden our ideas with how we wanted our brand. We wanted something minimalistic yet visually pleasing. Not too colourful and not too boring as it has to appeal to a young audience. We found a few on Wix that gave us some inspiration. My task is to have a play around with the layouts and get some examples for the group to choose from.

I would also like to experiment with some graphics that we could use for the channel.

Next steps
-  continue to get ideas for the brand
- research different online news portals for inspiration
- gather definitive contacts and characters for our packages
- secure dates and locations for the shoot


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