News Unit: Group developments and new idea

Group Developments

After reviewing our footage from our first shoot we have decided to make major changes to our script, presenters and overall presentation.


  • We have now decided to add 2 presenters instead of 1. The presenters will be both Rosie and I. We thought this would make a positive change because two presenters would be able to bounce off of each other and create the more conversational tone which is what we originally wanted.
There was one video that I saw on Youtube that made me think this was a good idea. After showing it to the group, we all decided that this could be the style that would suit our channel.

What I immediately noticed about this video is the interaction between the hosts. They look at each other and smile but they also give the facts. It is in a reliable yet fun way and I feel like this is something we could try. But to do this, there has to somewhat be a connection between the two hosts so we thought that both me and Rosie would be good for this as we get along well and could provide an element of fun towards it. 

Changes to the script;
  • So in order to further eliminate the formal tone to our package, We have decided to scrap all the long words that made the sentences and to only create bullet points. This is so me and Rosie can fill in the gaps with our own words and it will seem much more natural when we say it. We are trying to avoid stilted conversation at all costs. We want it to be approachable to the audience. 
  • Here is an example of the script change. You can see the difference in the lengthy paragraphs in comparison to the new and updated version. 

(Script 1 and 2 )

Changes to the promo video;
  • We have decided that our original idea to create a promo in a similar manner to the Kardashian's would have to be scrapped. One of the reason's is; We are not the Kardashian's and the focus of the channel is not us. We are part of it but not the big picture, there are other ways that we can include ourselves within the promo but this was not the way. 
  • We also realised that it isn't necessary to have all of us featured mainly in the promo and that it should be mainly me and Rosie since we are the hosts. 
  • We discussed that it would be a good idea to have a mixture of graphics and footage as the promo. I will research and source more ideas. 

Next steps;

  • Find more ideas and inspirations for the promo video
  • Re shoot the presenter parts
  • Fully prepare for the live segment and Wilson's shoot. That includes doing the shot list and other paper work
  • continue with overall branding of our channel


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