New Unit: Development of promo

Developing the Promo

the promo was something that was finalised nearer to the end because our style kept changing and throughout all the group meetings we couldn't decide how we wanted it. We were in between doing a full recorded footage promo or a full graphic one but I knew that a full graphic one would take way too long. I searched the internet for inspiration and ideas. 

Back at school I had a unit where we had to create a promo for our school and I remembered a video that my friend had created. This is where I was reminded of the style "typography". I felt as though if we wanted to use full graphics, there are ways to be expressive yet keep it simple. Here is an example of typography. 

Here is the video that my friend had made a few years ago. I loved the way videos were incorporated with the text. it seemed really clever and edgy. Something that could relate to our channel if we wanted it to. This is called Kinetic Typography

I showed this to the group but I didn't really get that much of a response as to what they wanted. So the decision about the promo was left undecided for a while but I continued to search for more ideas.

Here is another type of 3D effect typography that I thought was really cool. I thought if we played around with the colour schemes that we chose, something like this could make a good sting.

We were still undecided and the group trusted me to take care of the promo. I then continued to browse youtube for more inspiration and ended up finding a theme that I liked; 

I really liked the falling elements and instantly knew this was a good way of mixing effects with moving image. I wanted to expand on this and use this tutorial as a basis of seeing what else I could make with the collage. I discussed this with the group and they agreed I should have a go at creating this.

The promo took a very long time to create. I followed lots of tutorials and it eventually came out how I wanted it to. There was so many elements within this promo that it took 6 hours to export. The reason why I chose to do this style was because I thought it would be a great way of showing what Face value was about and all of it's contributors involved. I loved the mixture of videos and pictures because in my opinion it created more depth and made it much more interesting. In the end I was really happy with the result. It was very rewarding to create. 

Final Promo Video.


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