News Unit: Branding, Website, before and after

Branding, Website, Before and After

Face value is a digital news programme that aims to spark conversation and thought on the unspoken ethical and moral underbelly of fashion, make up and celebrity trends.

So, before I researched colours and their meanings, This is what the webpage looked like. We were all happy with the layout as it was neat, simple and minimalistic.

However, After experimenting with alternative colour schemes. I changed the website colour to this; 

As you can see, We continued the chosen colour schemes that are present through out all of our package graphics. below is an image of the graphics that I made for the "90 percent of caged foxes". By keeping note of the colour codes we were able to create consistent graphics. 

Now although these graphics have a few faults, I was able to go back into after effects and amend them. They do not appear on the final  edit like this.

Why this colour scheme?

When looking at the colour chart and their meanings, It was clear that we had chosen the right ones for what our channel stands for.

I believe the colour is perfect because we are trying to bee imaginative and stimulate intuition. It is important for our viewers to be on the same page as us. After showing the group, They were all happy with the new colour schemes. 

According to colour wheel pro. com, The light colour purple signifies femininity and the deeper purple colours signify extravagance, wisdom and mystery. This is everything our brand stands for and so this is why I think we got it spot on with the branding colours and the moving graphic colour because it features all shades of purple and pink and even blue. All of the connotations that we are going for is all embedded into our pieces and I am really happy with the outcome. 

There were a few things that inspired me to change the texts of our graphics. Since we are focussing on current affairs and had a younger audience, I decided to go and have a look at Vice and the way they have their layout and branding. 

In my opinion I am not really a fan of the layout or the simplistic branding. Especially when Vice is known for their urban and out there stories, articles and videos. I feel as though their branding doesn't match and it is quite boring. to me this seems almost corporate in a sense because of the monotonous colours and layout. Maybe that is what they are going for but I do think they could've made it a little bit better. 

What has this taught me and how will I apply it? 
I think it is important for us to continue creating a brand that looks more exciting and create themes that work with our target audience. 

Text choice
When it comes to my decisions for changing the texts through out the graphics. I felt as though the titles we had were so plain and the font did not match the style of our brand. 

I then took a look at the current affairs magazines and I noticed that they all have similar fonts. This type of font is something that I immediately refer to magazines with. It is clear to me how important texts are because of the connotations behind them. This is why I think we should use a similar text to this because as a brand we are kind of like a magazine talking about current trends. 

Here is an image of when I suggested to saskia that we should change the font of the graphic;  

 This is what it was before; 

In my opinion the top one fits our brand better but I also really like the bottom one but its great to look at it and compare so you know exactly what you want.


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