
Showing posts from October, 2016

News Unit: All videos

New Unit: Evaluation of project

My Role; My role in this project primarily focused on post production but I helped out with the writing, directing and overall branding of the package. So within these roles  that included me learning how to create graphics, understand the importance of colours, fonts, branding. Also included assisting with sound at times. I found this project  very interesting because it allowed me to learn  A LOT of new skills and tackle a variety of challenges.   What went well?  The majority of what went well would be mine and Saskia's ability to push through the edit. It was a very grueling job at times but it was rewarding towards the end because we got to see how an idea can really comer to life with the right preparation.  Another thing that went well was the group's ability to find great characters for the package. It just so happened that the idea we went for allowed us to use students that were readily available and not too far away. This created an easy shooting experience b

New Unit: Development of promo

Developing the Promo the promo was something that was finalised nearer to the end because our style kept changing and throughout all the group meetings we couldn't decide how we wanted it. We were in between doing a full recorded footage promo or a full graphic one but I knew that a full graphic one would take way too long. I searched the internet for inspiration and ideas.  Back at school I had a unit where we had to create a promo for our school and I remembered a video that my friend had created. This is where I was reminded of the style "typography". I felt as though if we wanted to use full graphics, there are ways to be expressive yet keep it simple. Here is an example of typography.  Here is the video that my friend had made a few years ago. I loved the way videos were incorporated with the text. it seemed really clever and edgy. Something that could relate to our channel if we wanted it to. This is called Kinetic Typography I showed this to the grou

News Unit: Evolution of the Logo: From start to finish

Here is the First logo that I created. At the time I had really liked it but it was plain and lacked any depth. The colour schemes was also very basic and it needed something else but I wasn't sure what.  Here is the second graphic, Inspired by Ferg's second after effects workshop where he showed us how to bevel and emboss and add depth to the objects. As you can see I had changed the colour schemes here because I felt like it was too babyish. However, I still wasn't happy with this one because I felt as though this style suited more of a gamer site and had too many harsh edges  Here is the third logo that was made by Rosie, This was the real turning point for the logo because she gave me something that I could experiment with and build on. I loved the simplicity of it and I loved the pop of colour which made it that much more interesting. Not to mention how much it relates to our brand with the "face". Rosie showed us this and we all loved it. I went

News Unit: Experimenting with colours and graphics

Colour experimentation So, I wanted to have a look at selecting colours for the brand. My first instinct was to go for light pastel colours as they are somewhat "in" now. I thought this would be subtle yet colourful enough for a wide range of audience.  Since we knew our name would be "Face Value" I knew that I wanted to create a logo that somehow incorporated this without saying the full words.I thought it would be much more stylish this way and very appealing so I went ahead and had a play around in photoshop with colours that I thought looked nice together.  coulour scheme 1; Logo 1  Logo 2 I really liked the simplicity of logo 2 because of it's round edges and concise lettering within. I thought it was neat and nice, quite approachable but I still felt as though it was missing something but I'm still not quite sure what. I do believe it is good enough to go on with and try to build something with it. I believe that by having a rough

News Unit: Shoot day number 2 (Amy and Wilson)

Shoot day two, Part 1(Amy Ashmore) My Role; My role on this day was slightly varied as I managed to chip in as a director by helping to find the right spot to shoot, setting up the clip mic and just general placement of things. I was also there to help get secondary footage of bits and pieces that could  go within the promo video using the canon dslr.  What happened; The kit we had is as follows; A tripod, Rode directional mic, Sony PMW, x1 clip mic. Upon arriving to the location, I noticed that we had a couple of hours left before lunch time so we all knew that it would be best to start filming as quick as we could to avoid unnecessary noise that comes with hundreds of people walking around. We had a specific time slot for which we would be able to film Amy. The first was 11am to 11:30. This is when she has her break. The second time she had time would've been lunch time so we knew how important it was to get the filming right the first time to avoid unwanted noise. But i

News Unit: Branding, Website, before and after

Branding, Website, Before and After Pitch Face value is a digital news programme that aims to spark conversation and thought on the unspoken ethical and moral underbelly of fashion, make up and celebrity trends. So, before I researched colours and their meanings, This is what the webpage looked like. We were all happy with the layout as it was neat, simple and minimalistic. However, After experimenting with alternative colour schemes. I changed the website colour to this;  As you can see, We continued the chosen colour schemes that are present through out all of our package graphics. below is an image of the graphics that I made for the "90 percent of caged foxes". By keeping note of the colour codes we were able to create consistent graphics.  Now although these graphics have a few faults, I was able to go back into after effects and amend them. They do not appear on the final  edit like this. Why this colour scheme? When looking at the col

Digital News: Process of editing || Rough Cut to Final Edit || Helen's feedback

Editing the rough cut What did we do? Since me and Saskia chose to be the editors, our first steps after receiving all the footage was to decide who would edit which part. We sat down and created a hand drawn list of all the elements our package consisted of. The list is as follows;  Footage Promo Video- Cheyenne Presenter/Studio-  Saskia Live Segment - Saskia Wilson's interview- cheyenne Graphics Timeline Graphics- Saskia Lower thirds- Cheyenne 100 chinchilla illustration- Saskia 90% caged foxes illustration - Cheyenne Make up/ fashion typography- Saskia Website - Cheyenne By laying things out like this we were able to get a clear view of what we needed to do. This also saved us from wasting time importing files onto our hard drives that we wouldn't need. We were now ready to start the process. Saskia had already started piecing together the studio presenter parts and so I just needed to continue filling in the gaps with my edits. I decide