Directions: Portraits: Idea Mood Board and idea elaboration

Here is my idea mood board; 

Here is my idea mood board. It consists of some of the ideas that I would like to try out.

I am unsure whether I want my portrait film to just be filled with lots of random things about myself or if I want to say something and have a message with the use of imagery and archive footage. I definitely know that I want to show change and growth but I'm unsure how I will do that, especially with the specifications of whats required. 

On the left of the mood board I compiled all the different styles of projection that I can try. I really like the look of the selected projection onto objects and especially on the face. It is a different process and takes longer to create than the usual projection but I think it has a neater effect. I really like how the ladies face is projected onto her face which is turned a different direction. I can imagine this being used to illustrate how ones feelings inside differ to what one might show on the exterior. I think these are all interesting perspectives and I want to try these out.

I think the more simple projection with the trees works really well because of the depth of field and direction of the imagery. I think that sort of projection will work well if I am trying to show a location or something big. It might not have the same effect if I am trying to cram a big image onto a small space such as the face. This is something that I will have to keep in mind when creating my projection as I want it to look as good as it can.

On the right of the mood board I have included the image and quote from the movie "Psycho". After watching the film, there was something that "Norman Bates" said and it really stood out to me.  

"Norman Bates: You know what I think? I think that we’re all in our private traps, clamped in them, and none of us can ever get out. We scratch and we claw, but only at the air, only at each other, and for all of it, we never budge an inch.
Marion Crane: Sometimes, we deliberately step into those traps.
Norman Bates: I was born into mine. I don’t mind it anymore.
Marion Crane: Oh, but you should. You should mind it." 

I instantly felt like this related to me in some ways and I thought it would've been interesting to have this inserted somewhere. I also thought that it would be interesting to have some sort of archive footage of a bird in a cage, giving a more literal outlook on the quote. 

I have also included an example of the effect that was created during a group session. The mixture of the 4 faces to make one, that is interesting imagery that I really want to include. I think my next step will be to experiment with a variety of imagery and see what will work best .


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