Directions: Portrait: extra ideas

After struggling to find a software for morphing images, I came across an image that inspired me.

This image is from the opening titles of True Detective, season 1 . The entire opening titles features a technique called double exposures. This is when you have two (or more) different sequences overlaying each other to create a somewhat "blended" effect.

After being reminded of this great title sequence, It sprung so many new ideas in my head. I immediately knew that if I learned the technique  for overlaying and double exposing, I would be able to combine past videos of me with a "current" me. 

I found a video on youtube demonstrating the style that I would like to incorporate in the production and it was also a tutorial.

Although the tutorial is in Spanish, some parts of it seems simple to follow to get the desired effect. I also found an english version:

What I love about this effect the most is the ability it gives you to enhance nature and landscapes (or anything really). I really love the tone it gives and I really want to create a nice mood for my production. 


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