Directions: Location Reccee

Location 1 Plus 1 back up location

Old Rochester Station

  • Recently closed down therefore it should be much quieter than a main busy road
  • Has an elongated pathway, would be great to show the length that Rick has walked before coming across the bicycle. 
  • outdoors, open space, will be well lit
  • people will not be walking towards it since it is out of service
  • There may be engineering works on the day as there are stationary tractors there.
  • Although this corner is abandoned, it is right next to the main road so car sounds would be picked up when its supposed to sound empty, abandoned and lifeless. Sound design will play a big part in this as I may have to take away the sound entirely. 

Location 2 (back up option)

      Bath Hard Lane tunnel

  • The darkness of the tunnel would create a lovely silhouette of Rick if he stands at the other end. would create a nice reveal as he comes to the light at the end.
  • elongated pathway to heighten how far he would've walked.
  • rather scenic surroundings as he would exit the tunnel
  • This pathway is empty for around 5 minutes or so until a civilian walks through it. May become too busy to shoot if it becomes congested.
  • Right near the main road so sounds from cars may be heard and would later need correction in sound design 
  • Cars may be seen going past
  • It is an unpredictable venue for shooting

Location 3

Rick's family house (Saskia's house)

  • This house if big enough to show the social status of Rick but not too big and unbelievable.
  • The road outside is not a busy road, the occasional car might pass by but it shouldn't hinder the shooting time.
  • The place is well lit but not overly lit, will produce nice cool tones and allow me to have a darkened effect which is desired
  • It is still an unpredictable location because there could be quite passers by and there could be disruptive cars on the road


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