Documentary: Story/Script Development

The draft script was shown to Helen where she gave feedback on what needed to be touched up upon. One of the main criticisms was the structure of our documentary. We needed to make sure that the problem that we were illustrating was held back a little bit, we needed to find a way of introducing it later into the doc and so by doing this we all sat down, went over the structure and wrote out a new one. We drew it up and even added the type of imagery we wanted to match the shots with. This gave us a better idea of how we wanted the story to go and we were now all on the same page about what visuals we wanted. It was at this stage that the idea of using a go pro would be a great idea.

Here is what we drew up. I was really proud of our group effort to sit there and come up with a structure that really worked. Now that we had a better idea, we were confident with what images we wanted to film.

Here is a better version:

As you can see here, in our new structure we have visuals for every aspect of the story, so it is an improvement of our previous plan.


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