Documentary: Fine cut viewing and feedback

So, We thought it would be a good idea if everyone met up, went through the footage and fine tuned the GV positioning.

Whilst Saskia and I were not present, Josh went ahead and fixed some of the things that Helen asked. That was the use of a London skyscraper stock footage, instead it was changed to footage of margate and it really fit the documentary better. The only issue was that we did not leave a lot of time to completely add all the GVs before Helen's review but there was still improvements to show her. 

Problems with making the fine cut:
- There was so many clips to sift from
-There were some shots that could've been used but it had no sound (my mistake)
-We underestimated how long it would take to complete. 

Pros of creating the fine cut; 
- Josh's editing workspace was really organised and made it easier to find the necessary clips. Since we had 3 shooting days, it was important that this was made clear in the edit workspace otherwise it would've taken us ten times longer to find what we needed. 
- we connected Josh's laptop the tv screen so we were able to see it properly and see the edits as it happened. We weren't all squished around one computer so it made the whole editing process a much more comfortable one. 
(image by Josh)
- Editing as a group is great. We were able to bounce our ideas off of each other and come to final decisions with the edit. Everyone was able to have their say and it was great. I realised that each of us have different creative eyes and we were able to pick up on different things. I think if i would've had to edit this by myself it would be such a difficult thing. its always good to get other's opinions. 

Here is the feedback from Helen on the Fine cut.

- great structure
- adjust audio levels some more
- Make sure the characters are okay with the titles given (i.e veg back packer)
- Make sure the stock footage is useable
- continue to add the GV's 
- The name needs to be changed,

So after receiving great feedback and little pointers to improve, we sat down as a group and decided on what the next steps where.We also had to find a new name, we sat down and brainstormed to see what would fit the quirkiness of our documentary and its light hearted nature. We also thought it should have a ring to it. The name that we all settled on was "soils, shed and rows of veg" - This was one of the commentaries that was said by the narrator and we realised it had a nice ring to it and that it fit the doc so we went with it. 
Josh got a better idea about what GV's would be needed to fill in the gaps and we left the room feeling confident that we were all on the same page. Next stop was to complete it! 


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