Documentary: Rough cut and feedback

Josh took the role as editor and so after our discussion and note taking on the shots, he went ahead and put together a rough cut. Saskia and I were still on hand to provide any opinions and help that Josh may have needed. When I saw the rough cut it I was so proud because I really had my doubts due to the shaky shots. It really worked though and really fit the style of documentary. 

Helen was really pleased with the rough cut which made it even better. Here is the feedback we received; 

- The story structure and order is good.
- The music is good.
- The narration is good. 
- The title could be changed.
- The music levels need to be lowered a little.
- The aerials of London should be replaced with GVs of Margate.
- GVs: change an establishing shot during the opening. Add in a GV of a drop off point.

from us; 
- Think about changing the music during Martina's initial interview.
- Adjust the music levels.
- Stabilise some of the shots.
- Colour correct GoPro footage

I was happy that Helen didn't think we needed to refilm as this was one of our biggest fears. The pointers that was given were things that could easily be fixed and I was really happy with that. The next step was for us to all sit down and figure out which GV's would fill in the intentional gaps and hide the edit points. It would be a challenge since there is so much footage to go through but I am feeling very positive about the documentary. Things can only improve from here! 


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