Documentary: Idea development and Pitch

After all 3 of us pitched our individual ideas to Helen, we went through them and found that the most plausible idea was the one about farmers market's and fresh produce. After being told that the idea I originally chose was too short to fill in 10 minutes, Our next challenge was to research and find different aspects of the idea that would create a story. The roles were divided and we were given different topics to research for the pitch.

Here are some screen shots of my input for the pitch; Here is the story synopsis. This is what we wanted to include in our documentary. 

For the pitch I wanted to talk about the pros and cons of farmer's markets and what it could do for the story of our documentary as it was a big part of it. I researched how it helped the environment as well as I thought that it was something that people needed too know. It also had to have an environmental aspect to fit the channel better.
I then produced information on different farmers markets as it would've given us lots of room for imagery and meeting contact.


after pitching the ideas, we were told that what we had was good but we needed to narrow it down, specify on an area and explore that one more. Simon and Helen gave us lots of tips and told us different areas we could've looked at.One crucial advice which changed the direction of our documentary was that maybe we don't need to talk about the supermarkets or farmer's markets as much as there are lots more to look at with the allotment side of things. Simon then went ahead and told us about an allotment scheme that he was familiar with and that we should look into who they are and what they did. Helen then gave us a heads up that we could now start to look at how allotments first came about and maybe we should look at the environmental side of that. The roles were divided between us again and I was now given the task of looking at the wildlife aspects of allotments and the benefits of it. 


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