Documentary: Edit Workshop with Tim Bethom

For our edit workshop we had an industry professional, (Tim Bethom) come in and show us a few things about editing documentaries. We were shown some of the things he edited and 
he spoke about how much of it he had to cut out. I enjoyed hearing about what it is really like in the industry and hearing the demands made me wonder if I could do something like that as a career. 

The task
There were two tasks at hand; First we were given a script with highlighted bits that the director would've wanted in the edit. We then had to sift through the clips and create an interview sequence. And after that was created we had to go through the GV's and fill in the gaps/ cover the edits with appropriate footage. 

So we were given stock footage and was told to separate and look through all the clips. As an editor you would have to have a clear picture of what you're needed to edit and so it was important for us to do so. After watching the clips through I was mostly overwhelmed with the amount of possible shots that could be used to create a sequence. It took me a little while to finally piece together something that I was comfortable with but it was still a struggle getting my head around it afterwards. Unfortunately I lost my video clip but I was not happy with it in the end. It made me realise the importance of organising your footage and also making sure you have more than enough of shots that you need. You have to shoot everything because you may not get the opportunity to go back and get more footage. 


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