Pre Production: Pitching and Pitch feedback

My Pitch and My Chosen elements to include: 

My first slide consists of the key statistics that work as the driving force behind why I have chosen this subject. For me, these two are the most important. I will also include this within my Pre Production book. 

My next slide consisted of outlining the main points of the storyline; 


I have decided to include real statements from real people as it allows me to shine light on how dismissive some family members can be. All of these are relatively new as they are tweets from March 2017. I will also include this in my pre production booklet as I think it is important for people to get an insight into other people's realities. Depression is something that is so common yet it is ignored by many. 


My next slide outlines all my aims goals and what I would like to achieve within this film; 

My criticism with this is that I fear that I am trying to do too much within one story. I think it would be better in some ways if I only focused on one element whether it be chasing your dreams OR battling depression. However I realise that these two elements do cross over in real life. Through my research I have found that depression and mental health issues are driving factors that hinder creative/artistic people. I have also seen this first hand within my family so I think that I should still tackle both elements.
The name of my story; 

I looked at the events of my story and wanted a name that would suit the similar themes that are shown. I decided to have a look at Greek Mythologies as I remembered that they usually have very interesting stories that carry various meanings. I wanted my name to have meaning behind it. 

After researching, I came across a story of Daedalus and Icarus and was initially moved by how passion can be your own downfall as you can get lost in it. That was the initial use of the name. Even though I liked the message, I struggled to make it have a nice ring to it as the name had a lot of syllables. I initially wanted to call it 'Icarus' but then I was notified that this is already a well known Netflix documentary about drugs within sports. So I opted for the other main character's first name instead. This is a working title and therefore I am more than open to change and to accept feedback. 

I then decided to lay out how I interpreted the story to make it easier for the class to understand.

My Target Channel: VICELAND

I Opted to aim my short film to Viceland - A fairly new tv channel that features a multitude of content aimed at a younger audience of 18 to 30. Its important to note that the creative Director for this channel is Spike Jonze. Jonze is responsible for maintaining a creative vision for the Vice brand within the TV channel. 

It is important to note that Jonze is the writer and director for the Jackass Movies and "Bad Grandpa" movie series.


When researching and gaining a better understanding of the content that Vice and Viceland has, you get a clear sense of their target audience and the type of messages they put out there. Their platforms inform within social issues that affect young people but they also have content that allows discussion and shines light on topics. Even though there are a lot of content that isn't necessarily serious (i.e the weed doughnuts blog post) but again, this is something that would interest their audience so there is a clear branding here. I think my story would fit into Viceland because it allows perspective on an issue that also effects young people.

I outlined my package and the elements that I will be including in my book. I had all the main things but what I also wanted to include real stories from real people to further enhance the reality of my story and the topic that I'm talking about. I want to include my mum's story as she has also faced struggles with mental health and the idea of not being able to follow your dreams because of parents not believing in your subject.  

To give a greater understanding of the style and tone that I wanted to convey, I included the main inspirations that helped me visualise my story better.


To illustrate the characters that I thought about whilst creating my story, I decided to do an actor search on Casting Call Pro.

 I wanted my character Isaiah to have a someone endearing face to maintain the innocence that is associated with the character. 

I wanted my character lily to have quite a "young" and "innocent" face to further highlight the "light" that she brings to his life.

I thought it was important that I highlight all the pros and cons with the story line to get feedback from the class and the tutors. 


Pitching idea; 
I personally felt like I did an okay job at conveying the storyline, although shaky at first, I think I got there in the end. The pitch went well and I was happy with the feedback given.

Simon's Feedback
- it still feels like it needs to be narrowed down a little bit - This will be established in the script 
- great development 
- strong visual style

Andrea's Feedback 
- The greek mythology aspect is nice but felt a little unnecessary addition 
- don't worry about filming in february whilst trying to make it seem like summer. Just focus and telling his story and that will be fine.

Next Steps

  • Narrow down the storyline and choose the most important parts. 
  • Finish off the first draft script to give to Simon.
  • Think about casting and crew for pre production package


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