Directions: Drama: Supernatural


11 season TV series 

longest-running North American science-fiction series 

2005 - 2011

Mainly directed by: Philip Sgriccia ( 34 episodes 2006 - 2016) and Robert Singer ( 33 episodes 2005-2015) 

Filmed in Canada

This series follows two brother's quest to follow their father's footsteps to hunt evil spirits and supernatural beings. The pair encounter a variety of demons, monsters and extra terrestrial gods that roam the earth. 

Why I chose to look at this series

I am a person who enjoys supernatural themes shows, shows that emerge me into a world that is far from reality. This is why I enjoyed this show so much. During the seasons you find yourself learning about the main character's personality traits and you learn to empathise with them. Because this show goes on for such a long time (11 seasons is quite a lot) I couldn't help but get attached to the characters. The series is dark, very dark themes but there are elements of humour throughout which really uplifts the show and gives it a unique feel to it. 

Another thing that I noticed about supernatural was the colours and style that is chosen to illustrate the theme of the show. There is a dark yet rustic feel throughout the episodes and it is very unique to the show. The characters usually fins themselves in old abandoned houses or dark woods and this gritty theme is maintained through out

Image result for supernatural stills

 Which brings me to my last point; it is clear that the directors have put a lot of effort into the locations, props and overall set design. This plays a major part in telling the story and setting the overall style and tone for the entire show. Even with the costume, with the images above, you get a clear idea of what the characters are about because they are usually in dark, outdoorsy clothes. This suits their characters b because they are hunters and that costume is best suited to what a hunter would wear. I would imagine that the show would have a much different feel if the brothers were dressed head to toe in flashy designer gear. It just wouldn't fit so this shows me that I need to pay good attention to costume design as it plays a major role into story telling. Whilst doing research on the show, I read that the creator of this show (Eric Kripke) states;  “I grew up at an age when the television shows that I really connected to were shows in which they always had a signature car,” So when Kripke made his own series, he had childhood memories in mind. especially when decided what car the two brothers would have, he put a great deal of thought into it. He first wanted the car to be a '65 mustang but was then later convinced by his neighbour to change it to a '67 impala because "you can put a body in the trunk". He later described the car as "a Rottweiler of a car", he later added that "I think it adds authenticity for fans of automobiles because of that, because it's not a pretty ride. It's an aggressive, muscular car, and I think that's what people respond to, and why it fits so well into the tone of our show." 

The car then became a popular aspect of the show, some people considered it as the 3rd main character of the show and there are now hundreds of tribute videos dedicated to the car alone on youtube. This just goes to show how important it is to think about all the props and design that you choose to use for any production because it makes all the difference in the end. From this I now know I need to pay attention to all the little details for my production.


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