Directions: Drama: Director Michelle MacLaren

Michelle MacLaren

  • born in Canada
  • Producer and Director and Executive Director
  • Known for Breaking Bad, The X-Files and Population
  • Directed a wide variety of popular TV shows such as; Game Of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Better Call Saul

One of the things that really stood out to me was the amount of episodes this lady has managed to direct. Not to mention she was the main Executive producer for the hit show Breaking Bad which is one of my favourites but it she has really put herself out there. I have noticed that MacLaren has directed a variety of crime episodes and episodes that require you to engage with the characters, and notice little details within the shows that help carry the story along. Shows such as X files, NCIS, Lie To Me, Without A Trace and of course Breaking Bad. It is clear that Michelle may be the type of Director who would like to focus on detail. 

In a recorded talk that Michelle ran at a college called Brentwood College School, 16th Jan 2015. She spoke about her experiences as a director and how she became one, what it takes and why she enjoys it. She says "great writing inspires directors and actors and crew to take it to the next level and transforms the story from the page to the screen". It is interesting to hear how she feels about screenwriting, she has actually opened my mind to screenwriting a bit more because she makes it known that it is an important thing. I already knew that it was important but in terms of great writing taking everyone onto another level and not just the actor is eye opening. I know for future projects I will spend greater time when writing scripts because it makes all the difference. 



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