Directions: Drama: Set Dressing

Set Dressing

For my production it was really important for me to get the set dressing right for my shoot. especially for the scene where rick goes into carl's room. Baring in mind that Carl is a young boy around 10 years old, I needed to find lots of things to fill the room with to make it look like an actual 10 year old lives there. I wanted to be cost effective so I borrowed lots of items from my step brother. He had things ranging from posters to toy helicopters, coloured super hero sheets and lots of children's books and stuff like that. I filled a suitcase with stuff and went to the location the day before and dressed it. I didn't want things to be too structured. It had to be messy and not look like I just placed them there. unfortunately I did not take many pictures of this but here is a still from the video after it had been dressed. bare in mind that this room was a completely empty room with nothing in it. 



I was really pleased with my set dressing and I think the room truly felt like a young boy sleeps there.


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