Major Project: Table Read with actors

What the meeting consisted of; 

This part of the unit was really important as it required me to take my directing skills to the next step. the official definition for a 'Table Read" is described as "A table read is when actors sit around tables in a large room (or sometimes your living room!) and read through the script aloud. " - (2014) I knew it would really require me to know exactly how I wanted my actors to portray their characters. 

This table read consisted of me arriving at my actress Sigourney's house and Moses would meet me there. Both actors where able to meet each other for the first time so that was really good. We then sat around the table and read through the script but most importantly we focussed on scenes that needed to evoke the most emotion or scenes that required a certain emphasis. I took some recordings to allow me to listen back if I ever wanted I had to make sure I was listening carefully to every word and pronunciation.

What went well
When thinking about what went well with the table read, it's safe to say I fully understand how important it is as I learnt so much during this process. The main thing to note is how amazing it is to hear something you wrote being brought to life by people who were willingly wanting to participate. That was the best part about this meeting. 

The second most important thing is that I was able to pay attention to the delivery of words. I also recorded them so I would be able to listen when I am no longer in the presence of the actors. 

One of the changes I made was the dialogue where Isaiah talks about the water. I felt as though it was too "wordy" and didn't seem natural enough.

So I got my actors to say it over and over again with different variations until I felt comfortable and made notes on the script.

What didn't go so well
Well, although the entire experience was necessary and helpful, at first I was unsure about how to go about it. I was also really nervous in front of both of my actors because it was the first ever table read and I did not know what to expect. I had many questions like "do I get them to read the script all the way through first?", "do I make them just read the important scenes first?", "do they read it once then move along or do we sit and rehearse it first then move along?". Even though I had knowledge of what a table read is, there were minor things that I was unsure of. So I decided to ask them how they would usually partake in a table read and I was able to find out what ways works for them.  And once we started vocally rehearsing the scenes it made the process much better.

Overall experience
Before this unit, I was unaware that a table read was a thing. But after partaking in it, I realised how important it actually is when trying to make sure you do your project justice. I wish I was a little bit more prepared but what I was really proud of is the fact I was able to still keep on track with my original vision of how I wanted the characters portrayed. I was able to make the necessary changes.


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