Major Project: Appropriate pre production forms |Risk |Contract |Budget

Risk Assessments

Over the past 3 years I have created various risk assessments. So I was pretty familiar with the layout and what content you need to include. However, this time round I was in for a surprise because of how in depth and detailed it needed to be. But I only learnt that after sending in my first draft risk assessment. Initially I thought I covered everything but after getting some helpful pointers from Simon, I realised it takes a lot more to create an almost industry standard risk assessment.

Below was my first risk assessment for my 4 day film shoot. I initially thought I covered everything because it was one of the longest risk assessments I've ever made, but it actually only scraped the bare minimum of requirements and I received some very helpful feedback from my tutor.

Simon's feedback;

Amended Risk Assessment.

This experience made me realise how much you really need to think about the risks you will be taking because you're not just responsible for yourself, As a director I am responsible for creating a safe environment for my actors and crew. I wanted to gain greater insight into the procedure of risk assessments on a much larger scale; . I found some really helpful and interesting information on the Health and Safety executive website which outline certain procedures. It was interesting to see that sometimes you may need to source external companies to help with this. ; 

I researched to see what type of things you would have to consider when creating and outlining risks, I realised that our risk assessment wasn't far off from the requirements in some ways but since our productions are smaller and limited to budget, we would rarely need to divulge into a risk assessment that needed an external/ specialist consultant. 


When looking at the requirements of industry professional health and safety assessments, its safe to say that even my revisited risk assessment only just about scratches the surface in terms of what it outlines. The idea that you would also have to source external companies to help with a risk assessment really puts it into perspective how important it is to have everything covered on a greater scale. I suppose no production can take place without it so in a way it is the most important thing.

Here is an example of the contracts I initially wrote up for my actors after selecting them;

As you can see I carefully outlined all the dates that I will be shooting. I Will get them to sign this once I have another meeting.

Budget Sheet

So, my main constraints with making Hideaway was budget. Since I am a student and have a tight budget, I needed to make sure I carefully outlined all the costs I would incur when shooting so that I was fully prepared


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