Major Project: Class viewing and new last minute changes

Taking part in the class again was a very valuable experience. I learnt lots of things about sound, displays, and levelling.

When I was initially creating the final cut to show to the class, I use headphones to listen to the sound. It sounded as if it was all levelled but then I realised I kept changing my volume on my computer throughout the editing process so once it was uploaded to the projector It did not have correct levelling. I was very frustrated at this because it brought down the production value of my final piece I felt like it distracted the audience from what I wanted them to see.

I am however, happy with this experience because I was able to get feedback from the class and get some opinions on some of the things I was unsure about. One of my worries was that the story was on believable enough or that it wouldn't be convincing that as a character could do that, but one of the feedback from the class said that it was believable and they really did feel connected to the character. This for me meant that I'm on the right track and now it's just up to me to further refine the film as a whole.

My next Steps in the production is to quickly grade the piece as well as to correct levelling so that it will be of satisfactory quality to be graded.


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