
Showing posts from November, 2017

Pre Production: Simon tutorial 7th Nov || first draft script feedback and ideas

Tutorial and Feedback After handing in my first draft script and receiving some helpful feedback, I had a lot of things to think about in terms of my story order and what route I wanted to take my story. I didn't want to write a fully new script until speaking to simon in person to go through some of the new perspectives before turning it into a second draft.  My main issue was that my current story focussed on the wrong things if my intention was initially meant to shine light on a situation. Admittedly, I focused more on the theatrical aspects of what happens in the mental health spectrum. But this would not do the topic justice. This process has been incredibly difficult for me and I almost feel a little stuck because I really want it to come across as accurate as possible but I also want it to be visually pleasing.   Main points of Simon's feedback in tutorial;  When thinking about how someone takes their life, classic cry for a help. sometimes they're hopi

Pre Production - Writing script || First Draft Script feedback from Simon

Writing the First Draft Script After a really helpful tutorial with simon, I was told to sit down, write down all the different elements my story could have and then piece them together to see what significance they had and to know how necessary those points would be. This would enable to me to narrow down my key points. Initially, I tried to write them down but I found that my ideas were moving too fast and I would often forget by the time it came to writing down. Therefore I opted for the use of Google drive to jot down my ideas and re arrange if needed be.  Below is the order that I was comfortable with and begun to write my script to this narrative  With this order, I felt as though I chose the right amount of events to be able to get the character's mental health across as well as showing a bond between Lily. The Script Feedback From this feedback it was evident that there was a lot for me to think about. But the main points that I wanted to work on for t

Pre Production: Remembering Script Writing

Writing and Formatting a Script Since it has been a while since I've written a script, I thought it would be a good idea to go through previous notes and refresh my memory on how to properly format it and also remind myself how to write a good quality script.  I went back to my blog post from first year's script workshops with Steve Coombes; The main point about showing and not telling is something that I need to remember when trying to order my story. Theres so many things that I can make the character say to tell the audience how he feels but since my story is about internalising and not being vocal with your emotions, I have to really tap into the mind of the character and think about what someone who is showing signs of depression would do. This means greater research is needed to ensure I get it right.  I went online to browse different sources in order to remind myself how to properly format it. Since I will be working on Final Draft, I was confident tha

Pre Production: Pitching and Pitch feedback

My Pitch and My Chosen elements to include:  My first slide consists of the key statistics that work as the driving force behind why I have chosen this subject. For me, these two are the most important. I will also include this within my Pre Production book.   _________________________________________________________________________________ My next slide consisted of outlining the main points of the storyline;    _________________________________________________________________________________ I have decided to include real statements from real people as it allows me to shine light on how dismissive some family members can be. All of these are relatively new as they are tweets from March 2017. I will also include this in my pre production booklet as I think it is important for people to get an insight into other people's realities. Depression is something that is so common yet it is ignored by many.    _______________________________________________________