Script review with Steve Coombes

I had the review of my first script draft with Steve Coombes on Wednesday and I really enjoyed it for a variety of reasons. One of which was the fact that he brought so many things to light about the script that I hadn't realised before. We spoke about how I could touch up on the character's traits. For example, Lillian felt a little too ahead of her time and so it wasn't really necessary for me to go overboard with making her seem very standoff-ish because that is already shown. 

He reiterated the point that you need to show it not say it and although I thought I did a good job of that, he made me realise there were things that I could've done to further enhance that and it made so much more sense for me to do so. However, one of the things that I was a little bit hesitant about changing was the ending. Since I felt like the start and middle of my story was quite simple I wanted a more dramatic ending, something unexpected yet foreseeable which is why I originally had the idea of Lillian self inflict harm upon herself in order to frame Ray for even more of a controlling effect. But whilst discussing this with Steve, he made me realise that this was not necessary and I could show a different development within their relationship. 

So it looks like my script will be going from a somewhat thriller/ drama theme to a more lighthearted drama version and I'm okay with that. I just fear that It may come across boring when being marked as there isn't much of a shock factor anymore however there is still a change/ realisation within the characters so I think it will still work.
Lillian realises that she's been taking it too far after she lashes out at him, attempts to make a mends by doing something that once "wasn't her thing". I hope that Simon picks up on this but I'm still unsure about the script as a whole. Maybe the change is too small to be significant? But overall I think I did a good job considering this is my first script. 


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