Development of ideas so far

So, after starting off my initial idea which was to have the boy (Ray) show signs of previous abuse, who then continues to to show signs throughout the relationship until eventually lashing out on his girlfriend (Lillian), I decided that that idea was typical and predictable. It's been done before and therefore my version wouldn't be hard hitting enough to seem original. 

Then I thought, well maybe I could put a twist in there somewhere and instead of having an abusive boy, why not have a boy who may have been abused before, gets into a relationship with a once seemingly nice girl who then turns into an emotionally abusive person after they meet. His challenge would be to either allow himself to stay in that situation or stand up for himself but then I felt like this wasn't really realistic or plausible however it did feel more original that the previous idea.

My third adaptation of that idea was to completely scrap the idea of the boy showing signs of previous abuse (old scars etc) and to just keep it a little bit more simple. I wanted to show the contrast between 'then' and 'now', how they both desperately wanted a relationship but ignored the signs that they didn't quite match up from the start. Ray being a messy and somewhat 'uncultured' guy whilst Lillian is the complete opposite, she is extremely orderly, and very controlling but she becomes very fond of him, so much so that she only wants him for herself and results to doing to isolate him from his friends. and so, upon finding out what she has done, Ray decides to finally take charge and threatens to leave. causing her to have a manic tantrum, throwing things around the room, breaking dishes and so on. Since she is still in an irrational state, I thought maybe she could do something shocking like try to frame him by hitting her herself with something. So I went with this idea and started to write the first draft of my screenplay.

However, after receiving feedback from the first draft, I realised there were some things I needed to change in order to have  better, more developed story line that fits the character's personality. I go into detail about this on another post.


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