
Showing posts from May, 2018

Major Project: Evaluation

Evaluating the entire process Evaluation of Planning a story I will start by saying this entire process of making a film and bringing an idea together has really been an eye-opening experience. One that I will never take for granted again because it's allowed me to really channel my creativity and I feel like I've really improved my skills as a director, editor and all round creative person. When evaluating this entire project it's easier to start at the very start at how it all begun. Looking at the planning of the story this was really the place where I set the foundations of the story and it was a very long process but one that I fully understand was necessary. Spending all that time going back and forth with script and getting feedback from other people really took my story to the new level I've fully understood how important it is to really understand your character and understand the reasons behind the actions you'd want them to do, because in the end it

Major Project: Class viewing and new last minute changes

Taking part in the class again was a very valuable experience. I learnt lots of things about sound, displays, and levelling. When I was initially creating the final cut to show to the class, I use headphones to listen to the sound. It sounded as if it was all levelled but then I realised I kept changing my volume on my computer throughout the editing process so once it was uploaded to the projector It did not have correct levelling. I was very frustrated at this because it brought down the production value of my final piece I felt like it distracted the audience from what I wanted them to see. I am however, happy with this experience because I was able to get feedback from the class and get some opinions on some of the things I was unsure about. One of my worries was that the story was on believable enough or that it wouldn't be convincing that as a character could do that, but one of the feedback from the class said that it was believable and they really did feel connected

Major project : From Fine to finer cut

When looking at my progress from Fine Cut to a "finer" cut I made sure to take on board the feedback from both Andrea and Simon. The main feedback I received was; Tighten the shots and keep the pace consistent because at the moment it was dipping in and out from the highs and lows of the film, and some parts felt a little bit dreary.  I could cut out the look Isaiah gives lily when they're in the art room Cut down the death scene level the audio The art studio introduction scene isn't necessary  I was very reluctant to cut down the lead up to his death scene and to cut out the art studio introduction because I felt as though I would be losing context but I was willing to give it a go in the edit.  I was also really reluctant to cut out the look Isaiah gives lily in the art room because I simply loved the look he gave her, I felt like he says a lot with his eyes in that shot.   But I was advised that it may be better for the audience if

Major Project: Joint tutorial with Simon and Andrea - Helpful feedback

The joint feedback with Andrea and Simon was a really eye-opening experience because there are many things we agreed on and many things we disagreed on. Simon voiced his concerns on my end scene being too long and at first I didn't really see why it would be too long, but it was only into the edit when I realised that it could be cut down. I still didn't cut it down as much as they wanted but I was able to make a compromise and meet in the middle. Another feedback I received from Andrea was that I made the right decision to re shoot and add the thoughts of external/internal feelings of Isaiah. This made me feel really hopeful for the film as I was able to realise that I was still on track and even closer to my goal of creating a film that shows my characters hidden feelings.  Another feedback was that I can still work on the sound and ensure the sound effects brings the film to life even more. I agree with this as I was only supposed and on the picture

Major Project: Thinking about Poster

Creating a poster Importance of understanding new film/branding If you don't understand what your film is about, how can you know who to target and how to fully establish your film on a poster ? That's why I felt like it was important for me to have a consistent branding throughout, even from preproduction with the book, I wanted to keep elements from that and push it forward within this poster and film. One of the key themes through out my entire branding is the theme of art and everything seeming to be hand drawn.  What I understand about my film I know that my film follows the mental health of a young black boy who loves art and who also loves backspace to internalise his emotions so I thought what ways could I establish this? Below is an example of a mood board I created that shows my thought process of what images can relate to some of the themes that my film has with them.  As you can see the theme of art plays a big part of this film and the idea of hidden emo