Pre Production: Simon's second Idea Feedback

After briefing simon on my updated idea, I received some helpful feedback during our meeting. 

  • Think about the different ways you could approach the story. 
  • At the moment, There seems to be a lot going on in terms of the story line but it is a good start. Think about how you can show what has happened without actually showing it. 
  • Instead of showing the main character and his female companion meeting, how about having them already knowing each other? this is a way of cutting down time and getting straight into the story.  
  • Maybe think about what stage in life the character is in. Is he an adult living at home, pretending to go to a corporate job but actually doing art against his parent's will? 
  • Is he at university? 
  • Find a way of selecting the major events. Don't just skim over everything otherwise it will lack depth. Find the important ones and capitalise on it. 

My Thoughts:

  • I fully agree with this feedback as I do feel like there is too much going on but I am struggling to finalise the elements.
  • I agree that it is a good idea to have the pair already know each other. This feedback has allowed me to completely re think my idea structure as I want to be creative yet efficient.  
Next steps: 

  • Finalise a storyline
  • Think about the pitch and what elements to include
  • Think about a first draft script after finalising the structure.


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