Pre Production: current idea || Examples of content that I would want

Finalising Ideas 

After finding inspiration from previously mentioned short films, my story and the way in which I choose to tell the story has continuously changed. After watching the way in which The Cage told their story, I loved the idea of having a voice speak over, illustrating the story. I feel as though I would like to incorporate that style 

"Inspired from true events": The young boy who committed suicide after failing his GCSE's and pressure to do well in school. 

What I want to show is that depression can start from a young age, It doesn't always have to have a "justifiable" reason. but when it first occurs then goes unnoticed and untreated it can manifest. There are many common factors within black households that some people may not be aware of, even though every household is different, a vast majority of these households are religious. My research shows that religion hinders the improvement of mental illness most of the time as it allows traits to be ignored. Since black males are at the highest risk of ending up in a hospital due to mental illness in the UK, my aim is to show there are signs and steps you can take to ensure that it doesn't get to that point. But sometimes it may be too late, the damage may already be done.

I want to show how his mental state becomes much more unstable as time goes by, He starts off with issues at home as he is pressured from his parents to do well academically. His passion is art but it is frowned upon by his parents. He saves up money and creates his own make shift art studio/ garage. Him and his female companion spend a lot of time there after school, hanging out and making things, he enjoys it so much that he begins to slack in terms of his other studies.  begins to isolate himself, even from everyone including the only person he can actually trust. His parents find his art, and in a wild rage they destroy one of the pieces as he must abide by their rules if he is living under their roof. It was his coping mechanism that has been destroyed, sending him into a rage he destroys the rest. His friend is waiting for him at the competition, she then realises that he didn't turn up. She messages him and realises that something is wrong and that he didn't make it.  The lack of communication between him and his parents causes his downfall. 

One of the main reasons for this topic;  "Depression affects as many as one in every 33 children and one in eight adolescents, according to the Federal Center for Mental Health Services. "

Examples of content that I would want in Pre Production book. 

Story and plot
- Following the trials and tribulations that comes with being from an African household. A young boy receives pressure to do well in school, as he is constantly compared to his older siblings. Hints of religious beliefs flow through out when he chooses to try and express himself to them and gets shuts out. He finds hope when his friend encourages him to continue his art projects but ends up neglecting 

Director's statement - Why this topic is important to me.
Film Inspirations - The Cage - Sleep Well My Baby

The Cage (2017)

Religion Research/ Depression Research within the Black Male community / 

Character Profiles - Aspirations, what they wanted to achieve to get a greater understanding about them 

  • The main boy - 17 years of age - At the crucial stage in his life where he has to make big decisions. He has to get the right A level grades to get into university but the university he wants to go to is not the one his parents want him to go to. Although they want the best for him, their efforts hinder his mental health as it adds pressure.

  • His unsupportive parents - Hard working individuals, very religious 

  • His female friend who becomes his best friend - Tries to support him through what he's going through

  • His younger brother who is the polar opposite of him - I have not decided if I want to make him against his personal choices 

  • General group of friends - He spends some time with them as they do normal activities that guys do at that age. They often get together and smoke. Although he enjoys their company, he often zones out and as his internal thoughts take over. They can see that sometimes he's not really there but they flog it off as they find it to be an awkward topic. Thus touching on the topic of how important it is to look out for your friends and their mental health

Concept Art - The depiction of his conflicted thoughts - Post production

Location Test Shoot

I want to show an urban setting but I also want to keep it "normal". Portray the typical south east London setting. I feel as though young black boys are always portrayed in films as being from very urban areas including estates, but I want to show that this doesn't always represent where all of them come from and mental illness can stem from a "normal" house.

Music/ Music Inspiration: 
I would like to maintain a natural setting with minimal diegetic sounds. Any music would have to come from a music device shown. i.e headphones as he rides his bike or a speaker in the background. 
Equipment list
With an understanding of what tone and style I want, I will list the appropriate equipment
Shot List
Story boards - Professionally drawn
Useful information about mental illness helplines
My Role; Writer - Director - editor

Next step: 
I still have not finalised the different stages that occurs within this story. There can be so many elements that play into his mental health and I want to do it justice. So I must continue to plan and get it right.

Think about what elements I want to add to my pitch presentation.


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