Documentary: Wildlife on allotments research

Josh had been getting in contact with the Windmill Allotment gardeners and so following what they did looked promising. I believe his plans of meeting them are going forward so its a good idea to get more information for questions to ask them. 
Here is my research for my section on the documentary. The wildlife of the allotments and the benefits that it brings to the plants and its nearby wildlife. 
" Britain's countryside is losing species at a frightening rate. Habitats have declined too - the area of flower-rich meadows has dropped by 98% since 1950 as they have been ploughed or heavily fertilised to increase food production." 

On the national allotments society website I found some interesting little info that I think would be good to mention.

Here they speak of bees and how allotments can raise the bee count. I think this is a good fact to add and we would be able to show this as the Windmill Allotments have their own bee hut. 

  • " Bees make a wonderful addition to any allotment site as they play a critical role in the pollination of so many plants, especially fruit crops. Higher yields and better quality produce will result from having hives near your site." 
  • "It is feared that two thirds of pollinators are in marked decline and that 25% are threatened with extinction. "
  • "Six species of bumblebees have declined by 80% in the last 50 years and 2 species have become extinct since the beginning of this century; while the twentieth century saw the extinction of 4 British butterflies and 60 species of moth". National Allotment Asscociation

Companion Planting 
Here is some research on companion planting in  order to keep unwanted pests away. I think it would be a good idea to ask the allotment keeper's about this to get their information.  

I think it would be a good idea to prompt the character's in the interview so we can get information about this. It is also really good that we would have the pictures to go with it.   


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