Pre Production: First idea generation for briefing || Simon's First feedback

First Idea generation
When thinking about what I wanted to create for both pre production unit and Major project I had to think about what I wanted to say and what I was most passionate about. I decided to list the possible options of messages that I could convey and explore.

  • South east London Lifestyle - Estates, Knife crime 
  • Racial Profiling of Nightclubs - DSTRKT scandal
  • Fashion and representation 
  • Mental Health and Depression within young adults 
  • Skin, tattoos and the effects within the corporate world
  • House rave culture and the increasing use of drugs
  • The power of love and passion and it's ability to drive a person
  • The ability to follow your dreams
  • Skin bleaching within the caribbean community  
Alongside possible topics, I also had some personal goals that I wanted to achieve in this project; 

  • Find a way of creating great imagery to tell a story
  • Be able to evoke emotion or shock from the audience
  • Create something that will shine light on a topic that may be taboo or not spoken about
  • If it is a sensitive subject, create it in a way that is respectful and not ridiculed
  • Be relatable and believable 

I could not decide what format I wanted i.e Documentary or short film but after speaking to a few friends and seeing stories on twitter, I came up with a plot that allowed me to express the subject of mental health within the black community. Not just black but the male black community.

  • A young black boy is surrounded by an religious, unsupportive family who believes in more academic studies and also believes that depression doesn't really exist and can be combat by prayers alone - something that I have seen to be a problematic mentality for some people I know.  
  • Gets compared to siblings who are lawyers etc
  • meets a girl at one of his art classes
  • convinces him to apply to an art competition but he is in two minds about it because he wants to the money towards his parents
  • He tries to open up about the way he feels but he is dismissed by his parents
  • he continues to be inspired by his friend and spends a large amount of time creating these beautiful pieces for the competition showcase. 
  • either his parents find out about his secret art garage and his work somehow ends up being destroyed.
  • He comes back to find that his work is ruined and it becomes the final straw for him mentally 
  • His friend stops by to console him and gives him a present, a necklace that is revealed to be the one from the crime scene shown earlier. Indicating that he may have killed himself due to this incident. 
Major project Pre production option and Final project outcome;

After having a briefing with Simon, I decided that I would want to choose the Major project option for both Pre Production and the final project.  

With the use of cold sombre tones and focusing on visuals,The idea was about showing the severity of supporting your children in more positive ways and to take them seriously when they are trying to express their feelings to you. 

illustrate the struggles of black male mental health and the mentality of the majority of african/ caribbean house holds

illustrate the struggles of pursuing your dreams within the creative industry. Doubts about 
self worth

Simon's Feedback

After the initial group briefing with the class, we then had one to ones with Simon where I put forward the basis of the plot that I had already, he gave me some very useful feedback that I need to take on board and think about;

  • Instead of focusing on the plot and the storyline, research WHY and WHAT you're trying to say.
  • why did I not choose a documentary and present it in a visual, intriguing way?
  • You could combine factual and fiction and maybe add some dramatisation
  • Theme and Area is the most important thing to focus on at this moment
  • Who could tell this story? then find the form after
  • Immerse into the area and story themes
  • look at dramas that explore those things
  • look at societies where black males are associated with
  • look at Realist styles - Expressive in terms of visuals 
  • look at 'George Washington' (2000) - as it follows the story of the black male
  • look at 'Saturday night to Sunday Morning' - as it is a natural gritty style
  • look at Shane Meadows work
  • think about the combination of expressive and experimental playing with visuals
  • Usually black men are always focused on gangs etc but it isn't like that for everyone. Where is their story? why aren't their voices heard? 
  • Research and look for stories then see where it takes me 
  • could adapt someones story

This feedback was very helpful because it gave a good insight into the direction that I need to be going in. I was basically working backwards because I initially wanted to have a solid plan for simon but it is evident that this isn't exactly the best way. 

What next?

- I now need to research and look for stories and figure out the possible angles I can take my project. 


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