
Showing posts from September, 2017

Pre Production: Analysing story telling methods - Sleep Well, My Baby (2017)

I decided to look through Vimeo to see what kind of story telling techniques can be used for short films. I came across a lovely yet moving 7 minute piece which spoke about the dangers for women trying to escape South Korea.  Sleep Well, My Baby (2017) Written/ Directed by: Aaron & Winston Tao (TwinTaoers) Visuals The first type of technique that I noticed was the important statistic inserted at the very start of the video. Inserted over a picture of mountains, almost showing the depth of how far one would need to travel to safety. This technique is very subtle, yet very effective. This is something that I think would be good for mine if I chose to take it down the short film route. I also love the fact that this is based on true events (written in the description) It almost really causes you to be more connected to the story before it even begins.  The film starts with a singular item, An item that you don't realise would ha

Pre Production: Analysis of George Washington (2000)

George Washington (2000) After this film was suggested by simon, I thought it would be a good idea to take notes and look at the way in which the story is told.  Visuals The first thing I noticed when being introduced to a character, you are shown individual actions before seeing their face, this gives the audience an indication on their characteristics without just watching them fully. It adds an artistic feel to it also. When looking at the framing through out the film, I would say it is very simplistic yet effective. They would either place things centrally or within the 'rule of thirds' as pictured below and would hold that shot just a little bit longer than you'd expect. Thus indicating the importance of what is shown but also gives you a moment to think about what is shown and also sets the scene a little bit more.  It is important to note that the majority of shots where quite shaky and continued to have a very realistic app

Pre Production: Research into Depression in males

Research Into Depression within  Men Since the most important part of my feedback was to research, I thought it would be a good idea to research the true facts about mental health in men to see whether my own general assumptions/ ideas accurately matches the facts. I found some interesting key facts on this site;  Suicide is the biggest cause of death for men under 35 12.5% of men in the UK are suffering from one of the common mental health disorders Men are less likely to access psychological therapies than women. Only 36% of referrals to IAPT ( Increasing Access to Psychological Therapies ) are men. Over three quarters of people who kill themselves are men Men have measurably lower access to the social support of friends, relatives and community (References:  R. Boreham  and  D. Pevalin ) Boys are performing less well than girls at all levels of education. In 2013 only 55.6% of boys achieved 5 or more grade A

Pre Production: First idea generation for briefing || Simon's First feedback

First Idea generation When thinking about what I wanted to create for both pre production unit and Major project I had to think about what I wanted to say and what I was most passionate about. I decided to list the possible options of messages that I could convey and explore. South east London Lifestyle - Estates, Knife crime  Racial Profiling of Nightclubs - DSTRKT scandal Fashion and representation  Mental Health and Depression within young adults  Skin, tattoos and the effects within the corporate world House rave culture and the increasing use of drugs The power of love and passion and it's ability to drive a person The ability to follow your dreams Skin bleaching within the caribbean community   Alongside possible topics, I also had some personal goals that I wanted to achieve in this project;  Find a way of creating great imagery to tell a story Be able to evoke emotion or shock from the audience Create something that will shine light on a topic that